A. Configuration Options


Additional arguments passed to each module in addition to ones like lib, config, and pkgs, modulesPath.

This option is also available to all submodules. Submodules do not inherit args from their parent module, nor do they provide args to their parent module or sibling submodules. The sole exception to this is the argument name which is provided by parent modules to a submodule and contains the attribute name the submodule is bound to, or a unique generated name if it is not bound to an attribute.

Some arguments are already passed by default, of which the following cannot be changed with this option:

  • {var}lib: The nixpkgs library.

  • {var}config: The results of all options after merging the values from all modules together.

  • {var}options: The options declared in all modules.

  • {var}specialArgs: The specialArgs argument passed to evalModules.

  • All attributes of {var}specialArgs

    Whereas option values can generally depend on other option values thanks to laziness, this does not apply to imports, which must be computed statically before anything else.

    For this reason, callers of the module system can provide specialArgs which are available during import resolution.

    For NixOS, specialArgs includes {var}modulesPath, which allows you to import extra modules from the nixpkgs package tree without having to somehow make the module aware of the location of the nixpkgs or NixOS directories.

    { modulesPath, ... }: {
      imports = [
        (modulesPath + "/profiles/minimal.nix")

For NixOS, the default value for this option includes at least this argument:

  • {var}pkgs: The nixpkgs package set according to the {option}nixpkgs.pkgs option.
  • Type: lazy attribute set of raw value


The language you wish to use for user-supplied configuration line options (extraConfig, prePluginConfig, and pluginRegistry.<pluginName>.extraConfig).

  • Type: one of "vimscript", "lua", "moonscript"

  • Default: "vimscript"


A list of derivations containing executables that need to be available in the $PATH of the neovim process for this plugin to use.

Using the per-plugin binDeps is generally preferred; this should only be necessary if you need to make executables available for either:

  • A plugin that is not being managed by this module.
  • A binding or function in your init.vim, or other direct use from within neovim.
  • Type: list of package

  • Default: [ ]


Extra lines of init.vim configuration to append to the generated ones, immediately following any pluginRegistry.<pluginName>.extraConfig config lines.

  • Type: strings concatenated with "\n"

  • Default: ""


A function in python.withPackages format, which returns a list of Python 3 packages required for your plugins to work.

Using the per-plugin python3Deps is strongly preferred; this should only be necessary if you need some Python 3 packages made available to neovim for a plugin that is not being managed by this module.

  • Type: python3 packages in `python3.withPackages` format

  • Default: "ps: []"

  • Example:

    (ps: with ps; [ python-language-server ])


Files and folders to link into a folder in the runtimepath; outside of Envy these would typically be locally-managed files in the ~/.config/nvim folder.

  • Type: attribute set of (submodule)

  • Default: { }

  • Example:

      autoload.source = ./neovim/autoload;
      ftplugin.source = ./neovim/ftplugin;
      "neosnippets/nix.snip".text = ''
        snippet nxo
        abbr    NixOS Module Option
        	mkOption {
        		type = with types; ''${1:str};
        		default = "''${2}";
        		description = ''
        		example = "''${4}''${0}";


Whether or not this neovim file should be generated. This option allows specific files to be disabled.

  • Type: boolean

  • Default: true


Path to the file or directory to symlink in.

If the source is a directory, a directory with a corresponding name will be created in the folder added to the neovim runtimepath, with symlinks to files in the source directory, and same the treatment applied recursively for child directories.

Overrides the text option if both are set.

  • Type: path


Name of the symlink, relative to the folder added to the neovim runtimepath. Defaults to the attribute name.

  • Type: string


Literal text of the file. Used to generate a file to set the source option.

  • Type: null or strings concatenated with "\n"

  • Default: null


Whether or not to collect plugins into "buckets" based upon their position in the load order, and then merge those which can be merged, in order to minimise the number of directories added to vim's runtimepath, decreasing startup time.

  • Type: boolean

  • Default: false


The base neovim package to wrap.

  • Type: package

  • Default: "pkgs.neovim-unwrapped"


An attribute set describing the available/known neovim plugins.

  • Type: attribute set of (submodule)

  • Default: { }

  • Example:

      inherit (pkgs) vimPlugins;
      pins = import ./niv/sources.nix { };
    in {
      nvim-moonmaker = {
        enable = true;
        # Build plugin derivation from a Niv source pins attribute set
        source = config.sn.programs.neovim.lib.buildVimPluginFromNiv pins "nvim-moonmaker";
        # Decide whether or not to load at run-time based on the result of
        # a VimL expression
        condition = "executable('moonc')";
      vim-auto-save = {
        enable = true;
        source = vimPlugins.vim-auto-save;
        # Lazily load on opening a tex file
        for = "tex";
      nerdtree = {
        enable = true;
        source = vimPlugins.nerdtree;
        # Lazily load on command usage
        on_cmd = "NERDTreeToggle";
        extraConfig = ''
          " Prettify NERDTree
          let NERDTreeMinimalUI = 1
          let NERDTreeDirArrows = 1
      # A "path" plugin built from a source path
      "nginx.vim" = {
        enable = true;
        source = ../nvim-files/local/nginx;
      # A "local" plugin not directly managed by Nix, merely loaded at nvim
      # run-time from the specified directory
      "devplugin" = {
        enable = true;
        dir = "/home/shados/projects/vim/devplugin";
      # A plugin configured but not enabled
      vim-devicons = {
        source = vimPlugins.vim-devicons;
        # vim-devicons needs to be loaded after these plugins, if they
        # are being used, as per its installation guide
        after = [
          "nerdtree" "vim-airline" "ctrlp-vim" "powerline/powerline"
          "denite-nvim" "unite-vim" "lightline-vim" "vim-startify"
          "vimfiler" "vim-flagship"


Whether or not this neovim plugin should be installed and used.

  • Type: boolean

  • Default: false


List of other vim plugins that this plugin should be loaded after.

This can be seen as a "soft" form of making each of the listed plugins dependencies of this plugin.

Items can either be existing vim plugin derivations, or strings corresponding to pluginRegistry attributes.

  • Type: list of string

  • Default: [ ]


List of other vim plugins that this plugin should be loaded before.

This can be seen as a "soft" form of making this plugin a dependency of each of the listed plugins.

Items can either be existing vim plugin derivations, or strings corresponding to pluginRegistry attributes.

  • Type: list of string

  • Default: [ ]


A list of derivations containing executables that need to be available in the $PATH of the neovim process for this plugin to use.

  • Type: list of package

  • Default: [ ]


A VimL expression that will be evaluated to determine whether or not to execute the vim-plug 'Plug' command for this plugin (which will typically load the plugin, or configure it to be lazily loaded).

Leave null in order to unconditionally always run the 'Plug' command for this plugin.

  • Type: null or string

  • Default: null


List of other vim plugins that are dependencies of this plugin.

Items can either be existing vim plugin derivations, or strings corresponding to pluginRegistry attributes.

  • Type: list of (string or package)

  • Default: [ ]


If set, specifies a directory path that the plugin should be loaded from at neovim run-time, avoiding the use of a Nix-provided plugin directory.

Relative paths will be relative to the generated init.vim, which is in the Nix store. As the value is passed into a '-quoted VimL string, it is possible to escape this to use a relative path, e.g.:

' . $HOME. '/.config/vim/local/some-plugin

If this is set, source will not be used.

  • Type: null or string

  • Default: null


Extra lines of init.vim configuration associated with this plugin, that need to be executed after the plugin loading.

Leave null if no such extra configuration is required.

  • Type: null or strings concatenated with "\n"

  • Default: null


One or more filetypes that should trigger on-demand/lazy loading of this plugin.

Can be specified with either a single string or list of strings.

NOTE: Lazy-loading functionality will likely conflict with the use of any additional, non-Envy plugin manager.

  • Type: string or list of string

  • Default: [ ]


A function that takes an attribute set of Lua packages (typically passed from nixpkgs) and returns a list of Lua packages that this plugin depends on.

  • Type: lua packages in `lua.withPackages` format

  • Default: "packageSet: []"

  • Example:

    (packageSet: with packageSet: [ luafilesystem ])


Whether or not it is safe to merge this plugin with others in the same bucket in the load order.

  • Type: boolean

  • Default: true


One or more commands that should trigger on-demand/lazy loading of this plugin.

Can be specified with either a single string or list of strings.

NOTE: Lazy-loading functionality will likely conflict with the use of any additional, non-Envy plugin manager.

  • Type: string or list of string

  • Default: [ ]


One or more <Plug>-mappings that should trigger on-demand/lazy loading of this plugin.

Can be specified with either a single string or list of strings.

NOTE: Lazy-loading functionality will likely conflict with the use of any additional, non-Envy plugin manager.

  • Type: string or list of string

  • Default: [ ]


Whether or not this plugin requires the remote plugin host for Python 3.

Will effectively be set to true if any Python 3 package dependencies are specified for this plugin.

  • Type: boolean

  • Default: false


A function that takes an attribute set of Python 3 packages (typically passed from nixpkgs) and returns a list of Python 3 packages that this plugin depends on.

  • Type: python3 packages in `python3.withPackages` format

  • Default: "packageSet: []"

  • Example:

    (packageSet: with packageSet: [ python-language-server ])


Subdirectory of the plugin source that contains the Vim plugin.

Leave as null to simply use the root of the source.

  • Type: null or string

  • Default: null


Source of the vim plugin.

Set to an existing vim plugin derivation, or to a Nix store path to build a vim plugin derivation from. Otherwise, leave this as null and set the dir configuration option for this plugin instead.

  • Type: null or path or package or string

  • Default: null


Extra lines of init.vim configuration to append to the generated ones, immediately prior to any pluginRegistry.<pluginName>.extraConfig config lines.

Leave null if no such extra configuration is required.

  • Type: null or strings concatenated with "\n"

  • Default: null


Enable Python 3 provider. Set to true to use Python 3 plugins.

  • Type: boolean

  • Default: false